Club Secretary Vote

As you will have noted from the latest club newsletter from Richard Abramson, we have an AGM on Nov 24 (at 6pm) and a contested election for club secretary, a role currently performed by Lara Greenfield.

Lucy Findlay is a tennis member and is standing in this election. She will be a great addition with relevant experience that she can bring to the board. I am thus encouraging you to attend in person and vote for her. As you also might have noted, it's possible for every voting member to also vote as a proxy for another member who can't attend. I am therefore asking you to ensure you use this facility. If you are planning to attend but don't have someone else to vote for as a proxy please email me and I will try and find a proxy for you.

If you are unable to attend and haven't been able to find someone to vote for you as a proxy, also please email me and I will try and marry you up with an attendee.