More busy days and a note on driving

Dear all

This week the grounds are in use for school sports days on:

Tuesday 18 June

Thursday 20 June

Where possible, avoid using the car park on these days.  Then and in general please drive with consideration for others, by which I mostly mean drive slowly!


Busy morning Sunday 9 June

Dear all

The grounds will be busy this coming Sunday because PHCC have a social event until 12.30pm.  Parking may be in demand both in our car park and nearby.




AGM this Sunday

A reminder that we have the AGM this Sunday, 19 November, at 7pm in the Clubhouse.  (See previous email for all details.)  Come and keep up to date with Club news!  To encourage attendance, wine and nibbles will be offered to all attendees. 

Club AGM

All members are invited to the 2023 Club AGM.  The AGM will take place at 7pm on Sunday 19 November, in the Clubhouse.  Relevant documents can be found here:

At the AGM the roles of President, Treasurer and Secretary have to be confirmed.  The existing office holders are again standing for election, as shown in the agenda.  Proposals for other candidates should be sent the Secretary at [email protected] by 12 November. 


Apologies for the short formal notice.


The meeting will be an opportunty to get an overview of the Club, its finances, and the state of each section.  Please support us by coming along.

Safeguarding at the Club

Dear Members

We would like to take this opportunity whilst we have numerous children Summer camps in operation to remind all adults members to be mindful, when using the shower facilities, if there are children in and around the changing room areas.   This is to ensure the required safeguarding measures are in place protecting both the children and the Club.  The Safeguarding Policy, which can be found pdf here (78 KB) , provides an overview of the changing room protocol.

Male members should generally use the first floor changing room shower facility rather than that on the ground floor. There may be the exceptional situation where this may not be appropriate and the sports coaches will direct you accordingly.

Should you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me or one of the Board members.

Richard Abramson

Coronation Tea - cancelled!

I had sent a Club News advising of a planned tea for the Club and our neighbours on May 8.  Well, I read that enthusiasm for such events has waned accross the country, and the Club and its neighbours turn out to be no exception.  Given the lack of response, we won't hold the planned tea party.

I hope everyone nevertheless is able to enjoy the coronation weekend, and if you happen to be knocking around a ball of any description at the Club, why not bring cake to share!

Head Groundsman

I am very pleased to let you know that, on 15 April, Peter Chappell is going to re-join us at Brondesbury as Head Groundsman.  Yes, the wheel has turned full circle!  Over the last couple of years, although occupied elsewhere, Peter has retained his nearly lifelong contact with Brondesbury, helping with various jobs, and now is looking forward to being full time here again.  Please welcome him back.

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