
Unfortunately, Storm Eunice has left its mark on the Club.  The first four conifers, on the left as you enter the car park, have been completely blown over.  Luckily the wind felled them in the direction away from the car park.  A tree surgeon will be on site early on Sunday to deal with the felled trees, so please would members avoid parking anywhere near them while the work is going on, and keep themselves and any visiting children a good distance from the felled trees.  

The wind also created carnage amongst the small marquees in the bowling green area.  Please keep yourselves and any children under your care entirely off that area for the time being.


Unfortunately, Storm Eunice has left its mark on the Club.  The first four conifers, on the left as you enter the car park, have been completely blown over.  Luckily the wind felled them in the direction away from the car park.  A tree surgeon will be on site early on Sunday to deal with the felled trees, so please would members avoid parking anywhere near them while the work is going on, and keep themselves and any visiting children a good distance from the felled trees.  

The wind also created carnage amongst the small marquees in the bowling green area.  Please keep yourselves and any children under your care entirely off that area for the time being.

Club Treasurer

Our current treasurer, Marina Heritier, has to give up the position from April this year, once the accounts to the end of March have been agreed.  We are therefore seeking a volunteer to act as Club Treasurer from then onwards.   

If you have an understanding of accounts, and especially if you are a qualified accountant, please consider whether you might apply for this role.  Most of the hard work is done by our excellent Operations Manager and Financial Accountant, Svetlana Zinina, but executive responsibility remains with the Board.  As Treasurer you would reassure the Board about our finances and also have a voice in the running of the Club, to the extent that you would be interested to do so. The Board meets four times a year, generally on a weekday evening.

If interested, please email me at [email protected] or call on 07768115072 to explore this opportunity to help and be involved with the Club.

Festive season greetings

Dear Brondesbury members

Wishing all members, staff and coaches a wonderful festive season and a happy and healthy 2021.

We would also like this opportunity to remind members that the Club Pavilion will be closed on 25th, 26th December and on 1st January.

ecards christmas

Car Park Now Open


 The work to extend and resurface the car park is now complete as you can see above. The beige pebbled area on the right could not be laid with tarmac as planning regulations require the surface to be permeable. You will find that there are white dots marking lines to separate the 6 parking spaces in this pebbled area. Please use this pebbled area as this then leaves much of the main area for manoeuvring,

We will be getting the supplier to mark out parking spaces on the asphalt in the new year.

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