Bron representation at Cricket World Cup

Very nice news from our cricket section: 

England Over 50s cricket team beat hosts South Africa at Newlands Cricket Ground on Monday, thereby winning the Over 50s World Cup.  Brondesbury was well represented in the England squad by Robert Nelson (1st XI player and ex-captain) and James Williams (recently appointed 2nd XI captain), with Bob Baxter as acting team manager.

Robert and James moved on to represent England against Australia for the Over 50s Ashes, before returning to the UK this weekend after a 3.5 week tour.



Greetings everyone.  The Club will be marking the coronation of King Charles III with afternoon tea on Monday May 8th, either on the bowling green or in the clubhouse.  This will be a combined event with the local residents.  More details to follow, but meanwhile if you would like to help with the organisation please email [email protected].

Clubhouse door lock

An electric lock has been installed on the clubhouse door.  The entry code is 7694#.  You will need to press the exit button to release the door from inside.

Season's Greetings

Dear All,
Thank you for being our members and for your support and positivity in 2022.
Have a magical holiday season and a wonderful New Year! 
Season greetings.gif
The Clubhouse will be closed on the 25th, 26th, and 27th of December and the 1st and 2nd of January and open from 12 noon to 10 pm on the rest of the days. The gates will be open every day as usual

Club AGM

All members are invited to the 2022 Club AGM.  As previously advised, this will be at 6pm on Sunday 27 November, in the Clubhouse.  Relevant documents can be found here:

  pdf AGM 2022 Agenda (230 KB)

  pdf AGM 2021 Minutes (269 KB)

  pdf 21 -22 Accounts (886 KB)

 At the AGM the roles of President, Treasurer and Secretary have to be confirmed.  The existing office holders are again standing for election, as shown in the agenda.  Proposals for other candidates should be sent the secretary at [email protected] by 22 November.  (Apologies for the short formal notice. My earlier email had invited offers of candidacy, and no replies have been received.)

The meeting will be an opportunty to get an overview of the Club, its finances, and the state of each section.  Please support us by coming along.

Car Park closure 2 and 3 November

The tall trees beside the car park were partially destroyed by the storm earlier in the year, and the remainder are in a poor state.  The decision has been made to remove all the remaining trees.  This work will be carried out on Wednesday and Thursday this week.  For those days, the car park will therefore be unavailable all day.  Parking in the neighbourhood is generally permitted apart from 10 till 11 am, but please check signs.

Pedestrian access will continue on the bowling green side of the car park.  If you are moving around the works, please keep as far away from them as possible.

The board have not settled on a replacement for the trees, but we propose to review the situation once they are gone.

Club AGM date/ Groundsman

The Club AGM will be held on Sunday 27 November at 6pm in the Clubhouse.  Details will follow, but meanwhile please let me know if you are interested in taking up a role on the board.

You may have noticed that we have a new groundsman.  He is Bharat Bhanderi, and has made a great start over the last three months, notably by improving the state of the cricket pitch.  Feel free to introduce yourself, and by all means share any ideas to improve the grounds.

Good news

This Saturday, a win for our Cricket 1st XI secured them the Division 1 league title, and also confirmed promotion back to the Premier League of Middlesex Cricket.  We have not won this title before, and it is excellent to have swiftly reinstated our position in the Premier League.  Well done to all concerned!

Our Tennis section has not been lagging either, with the men's 2nd and 4th teams each promoted a Division, the ladies' 1st team remaining in the premier, as well as six of the junior teams winning in their respective leagues.

Go Brondesbury!

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