Our two courts have undergone a facelift of late and looking better than ever. The club continues to go from strength to strength with a membership of circa 80 (it was 120 at the end of the season) but much like my school report card there is room for improvement. On that note I would like to draw your attentions to a little sweetener for anyone who signs up to Brondesbury Squash between now and end of Feb will receive a £10 credit to their on-line booking account. If referred by an existing member they get £5 on their booking account. Email [email protected] for more details or visit www.brondesburysc.co.uk to join.
Dates for your diary
Monthly Social - Tuesday 2nd February (6;30pm-9:30pm).
Friday Social - As name suggests, takes place every Friday from 6:30pm-10pm.
Both sessions are informal and all members welcome.
I have put up a membership list on the noticeboard outside court B, if you are ever looking for someone to play take a look and approach someone for a game. We're a friendly bunch so don't be shy.
Firstly Happy New Year to you all. The squash court are going to be getting a bit of a facelift in a couple of weeks. They will be out of action on the dates below. We'll have another social evening to christen the courts when the work has been completed. In the meantime please continue to make good use of the courts.
The monthly social will take place this Tuesday (5th) from 6:30pm-10pm. All members welcome and if you know of anyone interested in joining bring them along too. Hope to see you Tuesday.
I tend to put the events and any news up on the Facebook Group first, if you have not joined the group it's easy to join. Search for 'Brondesbury Squash Club' on Facebook and ask to join.
Court A: 11th-18th January – Court back in play on Friday 22nd January to allow drying time for the plaster.
Co Court B: 14th -18th January – Court back in play on Tuesday 19th January
The club enters into the 2015-2016 season in a healthy shape. Once again we will be entering two teams in the Middlesex Squash Leagues. The fixture lists are displayed on the noticeboard next to Court B and on squash noticeboard in clubhouse. Your support is always welcome so please check out when the home games are and head on down.
I'm often asked to put people in touch with other members for games. I have not met a number of the members and not knowing abilities it is a bit of guesswork in trying to match people up. I am trying to put together a list of members and their abilities so if you are looking for others to play, happy for your phone or email to be shared with other members, let me know your ability and we'll go from there. If you could specify your ability as Novice (totally new to the game), Beginner (played a number of times but feel you have more to learn), Intermediate, or Advanced (first team standard).
A few people have also asked about starting the internal box leagues up again so if you are interested in joining again let me know. There will be 4 players per league and you would be expected to play each person over the course of a month.
I have booked the courts from 7pm-10pm on Tuesday 3rd November for the monthly social. Free squash and a chance to meet some new faces. Hope to see you all there.
That time of year is almost upon us, not the passing of summer and the beginning of Autumn, but the start of the new squash season. People have come and gone but I'm pleased to say that membership is roughly the same as it was this time last year (124).
A lot of our new members join through word of mouth so please continue to spread the word about what a great club we are. I'll send a reminder out in September detailing how to rejoin and with prices for next season (much like the train companies any increases will be in line with inflation this year).
We will continue to field two teams in the Middlesex Winter Leagues this coming season. It is not always easy fielding a team of 5 each week, great credit has to go to the teams for bringing their A game week in week out and getting themselves to far flung corners of London all for a game of squash.The more people we can call on the better so if you feel you are of a standard to play for one of teams let me know. Home matches will continue to be on Wednesday evenings from 7:30-10pm and I will notify you all once fixtures have been arranged so you can come and show your support.
Still members who I have not yet so so hopefully bump into you down at the club soon.
We continue to see new members join and at last count there were 110 members. Still room for many more!
If you are a new or current member come along to the squash open evening on Wednesday 1st July. Courts are booked from 6-9pm for all to enjoy.
If you are stuck for people to play there is always the squash ladder where you can challenge people for a game http://brondesbury.squashnet.co.uk/leagues/ or get in touch with me and I will point you in the right direction. We also have a Facebook group you can join and keep up to datte with what's going on, all you need to do is search for B'Brondesbury Squash Club' and request to join.
Hope the new payment system is working well and if anyone needs it explained to them happy to help.
Enjoy the sunshine and if it get's too much you can always go for a game of squash albeit it is probably just as warm on court.
Hopefully everyone has got their heads round the new booking and payment system. As it is all online if the connection ever goes down this will bring the system to a crashing halt, fear not though there is a backup. I have put a keysafe underneath the cabinet directly to your left as you enter, in this you will find a key which can be used to turn the lights on. The switches are to the right of the aforementioned cabinet. This probably all sounds a bit cryptic, so in short if the lights do not turn on when they are supposed to give me a call or drop me an email, from there I will give you the code to open the keysafe and all will be sorted.
If anyone is unsure of how to top-up their account then let me know and I can talk you through it.
The membership is still going strong, still room to get stronger so please spread the word to all. In order to welcome all who have joined recently I have booked the courts from 6-9pm next Wednesday, this ain't no April fool. All are welcome to come along, play squash and mingle.